Saturday, February 21, 2015


Note-  The outlines may not be entirely accurate.  I take the outlines as a structural guide and although I follow the outlines for the basics I often change details.  However I did attempt to change events that happened in already written chapters to reflect how they were written.

Alan Smoke three issue outline

Issue 1- We are introduced to Alan Brook, a somewhat ordinary boy who has recently been introduced to a secret world of extraordinary circumstances. Through an encounter with the BLACK BOOK a tome of urban legend which grants wishes in tragic ways, Alan has acquired the power of a demon with great power. No longer requiring sleep Alan has begun to explore his new found power during the night time and has met up with a fellow demon Alice who introduces him to his powers. However Alice, through almost killing a druggie, brings up the point that as a demon normal moral values that he would be familiar with aren't as easily transferred.

Daytime comes. Alan, bored with the bus-ride, shifts his eyes to demonic form in order to witness the parade of extraordinary activity. However he encounters a warlock on the bus, a being that Alice has warned about by Alice that habitually hunt demons. He is able to “turn off” his power before he is noticed. Later another boy is introduced who has been in contact with a book. This is the WHITE BOOK a sister book to the BLACK BOOK and through which this boy, Art Howard, is starting to warp his world, the world of bullied and beaten down world, into a world where he can triumph. After much experimenting (And failure) Art is able to enchant a key-chain of his into a familiar, a friend with which he has longed for for some time. Suddenly bullies come and take away his familiar Eden. Feeling pressured Art activates a spell which invokes a demon that attacks the bullies. Alan arrives in time to stop the demon, but not before the demon laughs at Alan's action and asks him if he really knows what being a demon entails. Art and Alan enter homeroom in the same room and feel some dramatic tension between them, hinting at future conflict to come.

Issue two

Alan tosses and turns in his bed. The viewer is shown a visual of his dream, running across a road in the milky way and being chased at first but then running purposefully, proudly. One by one the stars blink out one after another and it gets darker and darker, the previous majesty of the scene being engulfed by encroaching darkness. However Alan sees a light in the distance and reaches for it even as dark shadows engulf his body. The light asks Alan “What is your name” and before Alan responds he is startled awake by Alice at the foot of his bed. She says “Prophetic dreams, how curious.” Alan, still in shock, tries to insult Alice due to her role in almost killing the druggy from Issue two. Alice only laughs saying “Newling, this world is so much more complex than the world you know.” Alan asks how the world could have “changed” and Alice only answers that “Alas, you are no longer human. Different responsibilities arise.” And before leaving Alan asks Alice what her name is. She responds with the name “Alice” in her words “Not because it's a name that suits me, but because it was a name given to me. Alice disappears before Alan can turn into Smoke and go after her.

Looking for Alice as Smoke he finds himself in the middle of a poorly lit suburban street with a big door in the middle. There is a man wearing 19th century garb smoking a piper who asks Smoke “Hello boy, destination please?” Alan is about to ask the strange man a question when suddenly the sun begins to rise over the horizon and Alan realizes that he has to get home. Before he leaves the man cryptically explains “This is a door to your fears. This is a door to your dreams. Do you see the light calling your name?” Alan is distraught but knows that he has to go to school.

Meanwhile Art Howard has arrived at school early. It is the boy's soccer team's early morning practice. There is to be a game later that day and Art is sitting on a bench reading the White book looking for good spells to use against them. It is shown that the bullies who have gone after him in chapter 1 are apart of the practice and it is implied that many of the other kids have done wrong by him as well. Eden asks Art, a newling to the world and embedded with only a limited understanding of it, what it means to have revenge and what it means to hate. Art isn't able to adequately explain, only to say that the people he is targeting are bad men. Eden then becomes enthusiastic in the prospect of hurting them and suggests all sorts of gruesome punishments while Art calms her down claiming “I'll only hurt what they owe. Later that night Alan arrives with some friends to the game to the game and suddenly hears an explosion. He hears Alice whispering in his ear “Open your eyes” and he turns his demonic senses on sensing the pretense of demons. He separates his demon-self from his body leaving his human form in a trance and investigates where the explosion came from,the locker room. He sees Art Howard there, surrounding by a warlock aura which strikes feel into him just as the experience with the girl from chapter one did. Chains are seen in Art's hand as he had lined the room with magic in order to beat certain players senseless in retaliation though to a normal person it would appear to be a bomb. The two's eyes meet in rage. The scene changes to everyone having left the bleachers including human Alan. The girl from chapter 1 watches the scene, talking into her glowing hand recounting “A new mage has appeared, power levels are being analyzed as well as type warlock, witch, or arcane” The girl, named Lara, is approached by Alice. Lara is initially hostile but they exchange information, Lara that there is a new mage present and Alice that there is a new demon present, a powerful one. Lara threatens Alice, citing her “malevolence” while Alice simply laughs and flies off, quipping “And just how many have you killed?”

Issue 3

Alan goes off on a monologue recounting his past, his happiness as a human. He then says that his past is “meaningless” and faces the giant door. However when he passes through he is not killed. The door had revealed who he was but despite all the faults of his own the door showed him Alan survived due to his own willingness to live despite whatever happens and whoever he was or would be become. He attacks the doorkeeper in revenge for those who were killed. The doorkeeper is infinitely surprised, calling Alan dangerous.

Art himself is starting to prepare to hunt Smoke, unaware of his human identity. Lara appears to him which shocks him since his room is magically barricaded. She points out an error in his spell and pets the little angel key-chain girl/Eden. Through skill she helps Art with a couple things until Art asks her why she is helping him. Lana answers with some lore about Warlocks, Witches, and Arcanes and reveals that there are so few magic users that everyone of them deserves to survive to balance the world. When Art asks what they are balancing against Lana responds “Demons are more dangerous than even you understand.”

While this is happening Alan in Smoke form is preparing as well sparing with Alice. Alice reveals that a warlock is hunting him and that he has to push his skills to the limits. Striking each other at high speeds it is revealed that Smoke's real power comes from his emotions, with certain degrees of anguish, pain or even admiration or positive emotions strengthening the shadow creatures he uses to attack his opponents. However when it comes to fight Art Alan sees art from the first and refuses to fight someone who doesn't loo like an enemy. Later Art looks at the sun-rise and ponders the blood he has on his hands.

Outline chapters 4-6

Chapter 4

Art Howard walks though the school. Everyone around him is chattering in feel, whispering. Everyone wants to know who did it and everyone has images of a big, tough boy or man and all sorts of embellishments. So scared, even the soccer players personally attacked have different stories on who attacked them. A bully tries to push art aside only for his demonic servant to come out and stop him at Art's command. The boy runs in fear, not knowing what he had experienced but knowing that Art was the cause. Art, talking to Macabre, wonders if he does the right thing. Macabre however goes on a rant on how joyful a taste fear it is, the control of it. How it is like controlling the thoughts of others through violence and watching them cower. Art nods that this is what he had wanted but, seeing that everyone's unhappiness is making him unhappy himself he lets Macabre go free. He meets Lana in his homeroom which suddenly slows down until everyone has stopped except him and Lana/watchgirl discuss his future. Art agrees to be Lana's apprentice and Lana finishes her talk with him which had been left open ended in chapter 3 what with what class of magic user Art was. She dubs him an “Witch” stating that his abilities are focused not in the abilities of demons nor even raw spiritual energy, but in great sight in the world of magic and knowledge that make him favor more indirect and slow yet incredibly power methods of accomplishing his means. As they speak Art's White Book starts to vanish and Art grabs for it in vain. As Lana explains, the books are only a gateway into the mystical realm of mages and demons rather than a crutch, and that he will grow stronger than the book could ever make him alone. Time resumes and Lana suddenly vanishes with it. The teacher resumes talking and Art reassures his fairy that the “shadow creature” is gone. As the teacher drones Art wonders where life will take him next. He looks towards where Alan usually sits and finds that desk empty.

It is revealed that Alan went Smoke for the day and left his human behind, “sick” while he went to look around. He's troubled by what he saw in the door in chapter 3 and the doorman's taunt that the black book only gives what people wanted, and it appears that what the teenagers wanted was death. He starts to question the very source of his powers when suddenly he sees Macabre wandering around, despairing at his source of magical soul energy. In remorse he suddenly zaps a guy who has a heart attack while laughing. Alan approaches him “Why did you do that?” and Macabre, upset, simply says that he felt sad. Alan, enraged that “Sadness gives you any right to kill” attacks Macabre however he is quickly outmatched by macabre tricks and sly ways to trap and confuse Alan with strategy. Just as Macabre contemplates killing Alan too Savagery comes howling all the way pummeling his old foe. Alan looks at Macabre in admiration asking for his name, to which Savagery responds with “Savagery”. Smoke lying on the ground is helped up by Savagery who shares with him his love of combat. When Alan/Smoke asks why he helped him Savagery responds that Macabre has been causing “Undue trouble for the mistress”. (Macabre flees) Alan asks what exactly he means and suddenly Mage/Floral appears, explaining that she and Savagery had sensed an urge to commit violence, but were too late. Smoke is guided to Mage's/Floral's place where they chat. Smoke realizes that his anti warlock senses have been tingling this whole time. Floral reveals that yes she is a mage “The demons and other magic users call me Floral, but my real name is Jamie” [Author's note. I felt Mage is too generic so I renamed her Floral Aaron. If you don't like the name I can find a better one, but a Mage called Mage is kind of redundant). Floral reveals herself as a “Warlock” a mage specializing in direct combat. Her mission is to attack harmful Demons and to use the energy of these to sustain her body and to make items that she sells to make a living. Savagery is a demon born out of the dying sole of her dead cat of the same name, though Savagery admits to not remembering being a cat. Savagery feeds off her soul energy in exchange for his services, but is very much her friend and lover. Alan/Smoke is deeply interested and they talk through the night of demons and magic. When Alan wakes up, smoke having returned to his body, he finds himself in a hospital due to abandoning his body for two long. His parents are glad that he has awoken. After some time Alan is released from the hospital and the chapter ends with Alan wondering what is wrong with him.

Chapter 5
Alan, afraid to skip school again like last time, goes to school and is fundamentally bored. Things that have previously interested, smokes, friends, companionship, have all disappeared. When Alice appears Alan is gratefully for her company. The two talk about Alice's background (And her name is revealed to him). Alice came into being a long time ago during the days of the early settlers. Her and other “spirits” allied with the native Americans (the Lenape). When the natives were defeated and scattered to the wind people's attitude towards the “spirits” changed and they began to be known as “demons” which Alice asserts is still accurate given what Demons do in human mythology. She had a name before that she has since forgotten, but long ago there was a song on the radio she liked, “Go ask Alice”. She felt the name suited her nicely. Since then like most demons she's been living by the moment, sadly outliving all her demon friends and even her tenuous human allies. She warns Alan that the reason he was in the hospital and lost health in his human form is due to Demons needing human soul pieces to survive. Much soul energy is emanated from a human naturally, making Demons bottom feeders, but the notion of calling upon demons for tasks allows a demon permission to take a large amount of soul energy. Demons often fight each other among soul energy sources and humans that see demons often kill those who are malicious. In short, Alan's demon form is feeding upon his human form, but he could prevent that by cutting ties with his demonic form and staying human forever. However he could also transfer his consciousness to Smoke personally, remaining a demon for all time. Macabre enters the fray, anxious to get revenge on Art Howard by causing him “bad luck”. Eventually Alan notices him, but first many of his friends express their concerns for his health and wish him well. Alan reminisces on the good times and how much life has meant to him. Then he thinks of becoming Smoke and suddenly he remarks on how boring life has been in contrast with becoming a 'super hero”. Reminicing on the nights flying and the amazing world of which he has only touched the surface. He then notices Macabre and engages him in a fight behind the seemingly unknowing Art Howard who just as the two demons prove themselves evenly matched art suddenly says “Gotcha” and a cage closes around Macabre, revealing that Art had merely been biding his time while casting a spell. Eden also rejoices. Alan and Art talk for the first time, at first tentative, but then semi friendly as art talks about how he regrets attacking him. We hear a bit of what Art has been doing, training to be a witch but still feeling no regret about what he did. “From now on, I don't think I'll stay quiet anymore” We see a dark aura around Art as he leaves the scene, but it remains unexplained. Alan in the meantime realizes that he's been switching in and out of demonic vision uncontrollably, seeing the hearts of people and being hungry for them, satiating. Simply by standing next to someone however he is able to be satiated and his demon vision goes under control.

Chapter 6
Alan has turned into smoke at the bus stop, vanishing to all involved, and flies to the park for some fresh air. He encounters a girl who starts giving him cryptic advice involving his condition. Angry and asking how the girl knows the girl reveals that she has bright white eyes and is holding the Black Book. Alan's eyes open in shock as he realizes that he is now speaking with the living epitomoe of the BLACK BOOK speaking to him The two speak of the nature of the books in general and the afterlife, the Book itself revealing that it is not “evil” as in a being that grants desires which in themselves can be misguided. The girl herself had wished to be smart, and the black book had imparted knowledge into her, allowing her to be a medium for it and others. The BLACK BOOK imparts a hypothetical question, should the girl keep her knowledge and her power. Does she want it now that she has it, knowing that it will forever set her apart and ostracize her. The BLACK BOOK convinces Alan that to be different and special often means being alone, and can he handle that. Alan realizes that all this time that has been what he's truly wanted. Alan flies into the distance as Smoke, leaving his family behind.

There is an epilogue as several months later following Art Howard. Alan has disappeared and no one knows where he has gone, though Art thinks he knows, that Alan has been devoured by his demonic half. He continues using magic for his own devices, getting revenge on those who are spiteful towards others and inspiring much fear as a person not to messed with, though no one knows why. We cut to Savagery and Mage/Floral on a demon hunt only to find Alan fighting demons. He defeats them with ease and it shown that he is protecting a young girl who surprisingly can see all that's going on. The girl looks up to Smoke and Smoke gives a comforting pat. The little girl asks “I'm not going to disappear like he did right?” Pointing to Alan's image on a milk carton she had been drinking. Floral observing says “Indeed, he is back.”


NOTE-  This is the collection of all written scripts chapter 1-1 to 3.  The chapter "Test 1" is actually 1-1, the first script I wrote and written as a test for the first artist that was involved (The current artist is the second).  In the end I chose rather than write an entirely new script to work off of Test 1/1-1 and then expand it into a complete chapter. 

Alan Smoke
Test 1

Page 1

[The digital clock changes from 9:59 to 10:00. Alan closes his eyes and suddenly he opens his eyes in a desolate park. Alan is in his Smoke form. It's pitch black and everything is shadowy\

Alan narration “Okay, lets try this again”

[Alan suddenly leaps above the park. His hand trembles and there's a close up on his eyes again and when he opens them again he's high up in the air. There is an aura around him that appears to be keeping him upwards, almost like a mist of shadows]

Alan “Okay so I can fly.”

[Alan suddenly flips upside down and instantly frowns]

Alan “Sort-of”

[Suddenly a girl appeals “floating” upside down just as Alan is. She makes a cute face just to spook him and he gives a short scream in surprise]

Girl “Boo!”

Alan “Ah!”

Page 2

[The girl flips right-side up, hair floating in the breeze. She appears as an older teen or young adult with streaks in her hair and dress that can be best described as “punk” with ripped jeans and a black sleeveless tanktop. In contrast to Alan who is propelled by his “smoke” she floats quite effortlessly. She smiles as her effort to spook the normally uptight Alan has succeeded. She relaxes while floating]

Girl “Com'on smoke you're such a tease! First thing about being a demon is about having fun, nothing can hurt you if you're not looking for trouble. Take it from someone who's been one for years.”

[Smoke eases up and smiles]

Smoke “I guess you're right but, am I really a demon? I just wished for superpowers.”

[Girl smiles back, kicking back in the air and and slouches back. She closes one eye and makes a “gun” hand formation and goes “Psew” as if firing a gun]

Girl “Trust me you're a demon. If you were a superhero, or as I like to call them, warlocks, my internal danger clock would tell me to blast you into smithereens.”

[Girl wags her finger at Alan giving a mischievous grin]

Girl “You probably have a clock too so watch it, a good demon knows when to be scarce.”

[Alan gives a shrug of relief and smiles. Girl laughs at this]

Alan “I guess I have a lot to learn.”

Girl “Hahaha don't worry babe I'll teach ya.”

Page 3

[Girl spots a hooded druggie down below]

Girl “Here's your first lesson, this is all you'll need to know so pay attention.”

[The Girl suddenly grows fangs and an aura appears around her, a black aura like armor that at first super imposes on her but then replaces her clothing in a flash. Her outfit is black. She swoops down and grabs the druggie just as he begins to snort some powder from his bag. The druggie looks down as he is lifted a little off the ground, but doesn't appear to notice Girl]

Alan “Hey wait!”

[Suddenly a stream of smoke with a howling face rams into Girl knocking her off balance Alan is shown accompanied by smoke monsters like you showed me in the concept pics lowering to the ground right above the fallen Girl]

Alan “STOP!”

Page 4

[Girl smiles with the rage and joy of battle and fires a red flame from her gun symbol hand. Alan dodges it and quickly forms a smoke glove around his hand and begins to choke Girl. His face is menacing]

Alan “Why!?”

Girl “You're really going to do it aren't you? Are you?”

[Focus on Girl's maniacally grinning face]

Girl “Do you really have the rage in you to kill a big bad like little ol me? Huh? Do ya?”

[Girl points at the druggie. He is leaning against a tree (they are still in the park) snorting his drug]

Girl “Look at him. He doesn't notice a thing happening, neither me nor you. He must think that my lifting him was just a product of his mind.”

[The Girl begins to grin even wider as Alan grips her throat even tighter to the point that would crush the windpipe of a mortal]
Girl “Don't you see we're imaginary!”

[Alan rescinds his hand looking blank and stoic. There's a focus on him looking slightly dark and trouble, smoke all around him as remnants of his rage are still present]

Alan “Who ARE you?”

Page 5

[Girl's demonic armor fades away to her regular clothes as she begins to float away. She appears a bit serious now.]

Girl “What am I? Find out who you are first.”

Girl “Consider that homework, hell it's everyone's homework. And for your information I was just goading you, if I wanted to steal a soul or take a life I wouldn't do it front of you. Now you're one step closer to discovering your nature.”

[Girl flies off into the distance. Alan stands on to the ground looking dazed and confused. The sun begins to rise]

Page 6

[The alarm clock buzzes, it's 7am. Alan sits up (in boy form) and flexes his hand.]

Alan “Who am I?”

[Alan's hand flickers between human and demon. Alan then walks into the kitchen and watches the small television mounted on the counter while eating a bagel with cream cheese. A woman reporter talks on the screen on scene at the park ]

Reporter “This morning a young man was found dead of a drug overdose after a pedestrian noticed his body while walking his dog. Police have not released any other information other than to tell us what we can't say enough. Kids, drugs kill. Back to you Tom.”

[Alan turns off the television. A final shot is seen of Alan exiting his house and Girl looking down on him from above. The girl smiles and slowly fades out until she disappears.

Alan Smoke Chapter 1-2
Robert Finch

Page 1

Panel 1
Alan boards the school bus, small panel View from outside the bus with bus in the fore front but at an angle at which we either see a little bit above the bus or a bit at the side so we can see both

Panel 2
Alan, sitting the bus, looks out the window daydreaming. The sun is beginning to rise and the bus is still in the neighborhood zooming bass, we see a side view of Alan and are able to see sun beginning to rise through the window.

Alan “You know, I don't know why I wake up anymore.”

Panel 3
Alan imagines himself flying towards the same sky as Smoke, this is shown through a facial shot where the image describes in Alan's speaking text is going on in his head

Alan “The sun is beautiful yet, it's more beautiful flying towards it in the air, purposely going against the wind and knowing that even gravity has less of a hold on you.”

Panel 4
Shot of Alan's eyes as Alan blinks his eyes

Alan “I see a normal world now...”

Panel 5
Alan opens his eyes which now have the white lens that Smoke has

Alan “...but I don't have to

Panel 6
Alan looks out the window with his demon eyes at a world full of all sort of surreal creatures. From ghost like slimy fog shaped creatures to human heads trailed by only their vertebrae. Two kids, twins, one with horns and one with a halo, knights flying as they chase serpents and [add other things as you want to Aaron as long as they fit the theme of a surreal kind of ghost like world. Hell if you want to fit a couple Oc's feel free!]

Alan “Ever since that first night I can see so much. And I haven't even scratched the surface!”

Page 2

Panel 1
Image, sort of faded since it is a memory (Or you could try a thought bubble effect or anything else that you feel would work better) of Alan taking a pitch black hardcover book with a sort of purplish aura. Only Alan's hand, his knapsack the book is coming out of taken by the hand, and the book is shown

Alan “I remember that book.”

Panel 2
Another memory panel. Alan is holding the book in shock. The book is open straight through the middle.

Alan “Anyone at school would have known what it was, the Black Book, the stuff of nightmares and cold mysterious whispers.”

Panel 3
The book's pages begin to emit a glow that shines on Alan's face as he begins to be a shocked scream of agony, black splotches beginning to cover his face.

Alan “Not thinking for a moment, I made a wish.”

Panel 4
Alan flexes his fist which turns black as his Smoke alter ego but not quite becoming a smoke hand, instead developing a black aura. View point is first person point of view from Alan

Alan “This creature I can become, Smoke, will it really become something I will regret?”

Panel 5
Alan's black aura's fist begins to shake in feel as we see, still through Alan's POV a short, tomboyish girl with a glowing white aura, fierce like fire all over her. The girl begins to approach Alan.

Alan “Oh shit!”

Panel 6
View point, no longer POV, of Alan now in totally human form relaxing a little as the girl turns her back on him. Alan relaxes as the dehibilating feeling of fear that he had been feeling while embracing his demon power has disspiated.

Alan “I thought I was going to die. Maybe I should relax on the superpowers when I'm around that girl.”

Page 3

Panel 1
The bus stops at the school which looks like a flat, sprawling complex, not too upscale but at the same time not quite a slummy school.

Panel 2
From the view of Panel 1 we zoom in through one of the windows. We see Art Howard chanting a spell over some boiling purplish liquid, though this may not be apparent from the view

Panel 3
Zoomed in view but normal shot of Art Howard chanting over the now steaming vial. He is pancing a bit since it is obvious that the spell is going wrong. Art Howard is a skinny, short nerd with thick glasses and an antiquated out of fashion hair cut. He has a glowing magic book, THE WHITE, in front of him

Art- “Nn-no-no-no! Seal on seal on!”

Panel 4
Art looks shocked , eyes bulging as the steam rising from the vial suddenly turns to flame and scorches the ceiling. Promptly the alarm starts sounding.

Panel 5
Art is seen, having run out of door, back pressed against it on the outside as if barring entrance comicly and panting. The alarm is still sounding. Art is sweating profusely.

Panel 6
Art sees, among the crowd, a group of five or six kids boys and girls with Alan at the forefront talking and the others laughing. Art looks at Alan with a sign, secretly envious

Panel 7
Art opens the WHITE BOOK and shifts through the pages

Art “I wonder if there's a cure for loneliness in here”

Page 4

Panel 1
Art puts his finger on a page that shoes a whispy, ethreal woman held in someone's hand. The image has text above it that say in very fancy font “FAMILIAR”

Art “There we go, a summoned acquaintance.

Panel 2
Art walks with his head in his book, other people almost bulldozed in cry out “Hey!” or “Watch it!” Art looks engrossed and behind him are teachers with fire extinguishers putting out the fire.

Art “Says here that to summon a familiar an element of soul is needed, a precious thought or precious thing.”

Panel 3
Art's gleefully takes his knapscack off of his back

Art “Oh I know what'll work”

Panel 4
Art unhooks a key chain attached to a zipper, a small figurine of Eden the Angel as described earlier [Though if needed I can send the image again]. Eden the Angel is best described as “cute” with chibi angel wings and a knowing, somewhat mature smile with a great deal of energy and life.

Art “Eden the Angel, lets bring you to life!”

Panel 5
Art lays down his book and begins to chant as the Angel figurine, still attached to the key chain, begins to glow and rise.

Art “Item of heart give mind. A beating heart, a lasting heart I hold. A vibrant mind, a clear mind I give...”

Panel 6
The Keychain part of the familiar simply falls off as Eden's eyes, once lifeless, begin to glow with vibrant life

Page 5

Panel 1
Eden drops to the ground with a plop, hand on the ground as she steadies herself in a sort of crouching position.

Eden “Long have I wished to move, to think, to feel.”

Panel 2
Eden looks up solemnly with vibrant, expressive eyes.

Eden “My Master, this gift given to me is a gift given to you as well. I will not leave you, and for you I shall forever move and fight.”

Panel 3
Art blushes bashfully while Eden looks shocked and worrisome as she wonders what she has done wrong

Art “I-I can't be your master.”

Eden “Why not!? Have I done something wrong my lord?”

Panel 4
Art sighs

Art- “I just, don't want you to feel that you owe me anything. I don't want you to think that you're a slave either, it's just too sad.”

Panel 5
Eden, looking preturbed,, gives a sigh of her own

Eden “I never said you had a choice. Even if I wasn't attached to your well being I would follow you until you struck me down, I...”

Panel 6
The door opens to the classrrom and we see three bullies. Though not sinister looking, they do look stern and Jockish. The lead Jock, a shorter guy with a bit of a napolean complex, approaches the viewer with smirk

John “Well there you are, we were wondering where you were hiding kid.”

Page 6

Panel 1
Napoleon John grabs Eden as she cries for help

Art (Off Panel) “Hey!”

Eden “Help!”

John “This yours?”

Panel 2
Art runs towards John to retrieve Eden only for John to toss her to a larger copatriot

Art “Give it back!”

Panel 3
Art jumps up and down to get Eden from Tall Joe and due to Joe's quip everyone saves Art laughs.

Art “She's precious, come on!”

Tall Joe “Precious huh, why don't you marry her”

Panel 4
Joe taunts Art as art rolls up his right sleeve

Tall Joe “She's the only girl you're ever going to get you-”

Art “I cannot...”

Panel 5
Arts arm, marked an ink mark resembling a dragon tatoo, suddenly grows in a great dark aura. A shadow from his arm suddenly lifts off his arm and gains form


Panel 6
The Shadow Man appears, presumably shaped by the smoke coming from Art's arm. The bullies cower while Art gives a knowing smirk

Tall Joe “Wh-where did this guy come from?”

Panel 7
The shadow man, lifts Tall Joe up, his arm extending to allow him to lift him higher

Page 7

Panel 1
Alan, still with his friends, has a “spider sense” moment where he senses something's wrong.

Alan “I smell something...sinister.”

Panel 2
Alan, running away from his friends who shout “Hey wait up!”

Panel 3
Alan turns the corner and sees the shadow man lifting up tall joe, changing part way into Smoke. Art can be seen fleeing the scene of the crime

Alan thought bubble “What is he doing?”

Panel 4
Alan, from his open palms, launches cackling balls of energy with jack-o-lattern faces.

Alan thought bubble “Well I can't just sit by...”

Panel 5
Balls strike the shadow man, pinning him against the wall

Panel 6
Alan trying to talk to the pinned Shadowman who is cackling at him.

Alan “Why are you here? What do you want, you don't have to hurt him!”

Page 8

Panel 1
The shadowman cackles

Shadowman “I feed on mana, I live on mana. Youngling have you tasted the intoxication of the human soul?

Panel 2
Alan (Still in Smoke form) starts to break down emotionally. “W-what do you mean, you mean demons eat souls?”

Panel 3
The Shadowman begins to fade.

Shadowman “Not that I haven't youngling, but souls give off energy. We feed off it but, we also feed off emotion. And the boy I'm bound to has a lot of that, my master you could say.”

Panel 4
Shadowman, fading to the wind as if he were being ripped apart, only remains as a floating eye and an evaporating smile

Shadowman “Oh the delicious meals, don't you know terror makes the best breakfast?”

Panel 5
Alan's Smoke form starts to peel away, almost a half and half of human and demon particularly with a demonic eye and a human face.

Alan “What am I?”

Page 9

Panel 1
Alan sitting on a desk in a crowded homeroom, kids are seen chatting in the background, among those kids Art himself is seen face stuck into his spell book. Alan stares at his hand contemplating.

Panel 2
Art himself has his face in his spell book while his angel familiar, Eden, whispers in his ear.

Eden “Master, I sense something.”

Panel 3
Art and Alan look right at each other, eyes looked as if they are sizing each other up.

Panel 4
Each of the two look away suddenly. Art back at his book and Alan back at his hand. A panned out view shows all sorts of ghosties and specters watching, some eating snacks that resmble anatomically correct hearts, pop corn, human limbs, cartoon hearts, whispy soul like things, apples (And you can add to this list, it's a big panel)

Art and Alan “Probably nothing.”

Popcorn demon “Ah, and it was just about to get good.”

Page 10

Panel 1
A half moon is out and a teenage boy, sitting on a bus bench (waiting for bus) shuffles through his back pack.

Panel 2
Too the boy's surprise he finds a heavy leather bound book, the Black Book, with “THE BLACK” written in bold letters on the front
Panel 3
The boy dutifully reads the book as the stars twinkle in the night sky (And as a strange shadow emenates from the BLACK BOOK. The view is top down and we see Alice flying as if doing a back stroke, as in flying with her back facing the ground and looking at the sky. The shadow is a darkened outline of a man wearing 19th century garb smoking a piper

Alice “What a beautiful night.”

[Note, the shadow is formless and has no face, for the next chapter involves a series of demonic doors.]

Alan Smoke Chapter 2
Robert Finch

Page 1

Panel 1
Alan in bed. We see his room, a cluttered boy's room with a tv, clothes on the floor, and a couple posters held up on the wall by tape. He is sleeping but is in an uncomfortable position as if he were tossing and turning.

Panel 2
Facial shot of Alan smiling in his sleep. He murmurs

Alan “It's a bird, it's a plane, no it's...”

Panel 3
Same shot but suddenly Alan's eyes open going all white like in chapter 1 page 7

Panel 4
Dream Sequence. Alan watches in shock as he watches the sky and the stars start to go out one by one

Panel 5
Alan is running towards the last remaining stars and the moon as darkness accumulates behind him. He shouts out frantically.

Alan “This isn't what I want!”

Panel 6
Alan starts to be covered by darkness and we hear an ominous voice.

Ominous Voice “What is your name?”

Page 2

Panel 1
Alan wakes up with a start, going from a relaxed position to sitting up in a flash. His eyes are normal now

Alan “What the heck was that?
Panel 2
Alan siting up stares at a corner of his room full of shadows. The voice bubble comes from something he can't see, and neither can the reader.

Alice “Prophetic dreams, how curious.”

Panel 3
Alan's eyes start to emit a glow as his eyes turn white much more and Alice is shown floating in a “sitting down” position with her hand on her chin.

Alice “You really ought to wonder Smoke, what is this world we live in?”

Alan “Shut up! You're a killer aren't you? Like you almost killed that man!”

Panel 4
Alice waggles her finger smiling.

Alice “I was merely testing you to see what kind of person you were. Trust me, if you were the sort of demon who didn't stop me I would have far less of a good opinion of you.

Panel 5
Alice's eyes glow as her face becomes serious and somber.

Alice “Still, there are things in this world that are beyond human comprehension.”

Panel 6
Alice starts to float backwards out of the room, phasing through the wall laughing. Alan reaches form Alice not wanting her to leave

Alice “It's a good thing that you're a demon now isn't it?”


Alan “Wait, come back!”

Page 3

Panel 1
Alan pants, still in his jammies having not transformed into smoke but still has his “demon eyes” on. (Perhaps this can be represented as his eyes retaining their pupils but still glowing? Just a thought). He stops in fatigue, bending over to catch his breath.

Ominous voice “What is your name?”

Panel 2
Alan looks up at a colossal door in the middle of the street It is large and wooden, halfway between an oaken door and a gate. An elderly man wearing 19th century dress sits on a tall stool watching him.

Panel 3
Alan slowly walks towards and the man, unsure whether this is dream or reality.

Alan “I'm Alan, sir...”

Ominous man/Sir “No-no, what you call your other self.

Panel 4
Alan's eyes go wide

Alan “Smoke”

Ominous man/Sir “Yes, in a way that's who you really are, you just don't know it yet.”

Panel 5
The ominous man starts to fade away along with the door as the sun rises, echos of light blue and orange heralding the sun peeking over the horizon. The ominous man smiles

Ominous man/Sir “Come to me at night. Surely you'll find me and yourself there.”

Page 4

Panel 1
Art Howard and Eden observe the same sunrise. Art Howard has packed a picnic basket full of sandwiches and chips as they watch the Soccer team practice on the field in the distance (The two are on the top bench). Their backs are to us and Eden is on Art's shoulder

Art “Your first sunset, what do you think?”

Eden “Give me a minute, a loooooong minute.”

Panel 2
Eden eats a grape in her tiny hands

Eden “And then a loooong bite, damn, I love life.”

Panel 3
Art Howard grips his fist in rage and stares onward, his eyes glassy with saddness, crying a tear and chocking on remorse

Art “Trust me, life isn't all it's choked up to be.
Panel 4
A sequence of mini panels showing Art slammed against the wall, jeered at in class, people laughing at him in the hallway. All this above an image of art staring off into the business with rage.

Art “When you aren't treated like you're living it can be like you were put on the Earth solely to suffer”

Panel 5
Eden looks up at Art Howard, the pep in her step slightly muted with a neutral frown

Eden “Well I can't say I know anything about that. The way I see it...”

Panel 6
Eden smiling, indulging herself in a big juicy bite of her grape

Eden “ has all it needs to make a person glow.”

Page 5

Panel 1
Art Howard's WHITE BOOK is open and he, with one finger on a passage on a page, begins to glow with power

Art “Mark thee, my Enemy”

Panel 2
One of the bullies shown in the flashback on Page 4 panel 4 gets a triangle on his forhead formed by three white dots with little lines connecting them to form a triangle. Other bullies shown in the flashbacks are marked in the same panel, but they are all oblivious

Art off panel “There, perfect targets for my spell, whatever I choose to cast anyway.”

Panel 3
Eden stands on Art's shoulder, using a comprably giant napkin piece to whipe her mouth of grape juice

Eden “These guy are bad right?”

Panel 4
Alan puts two fingers on his temples and his glasses shine with the light, obscuring the emotion in his eyes

Alan “They hurt me and I still hurt. I don't know what could make me feel better besides knowing justice.”

Panel 5
Eden looks to her side, lost in thought.

Eden “So I guess this is what you do when you hurt?

Page 6

Panel 1
Alan arrives from school on the school bus, visibly dazed.

Panel 2
A boy waves to Alan and he simply looks right through him, ignoring him.

Panel 3
The boy shrugs, looking miffed at the ignoring as Alan passes

Panel 4
We see Alan's glowing eyes

Panel 5
We see from Alan's perspective everyone's skelletons with none of the organs present (Although we get an outine of their figures) and we see a beating realistic heart like organ beating in the general middle ribcage area, like a fleshy cirrcle with a bite out of it.

Panel 6
Alan reaches his arm out, but an invisible black hand extends from his arm as his own arm extends.

Panel 7
Alan's ghost arm takes a piece of a passing person's heart/soul.

Panel 8
Shot of Alan's arms glowing flame like as the piece enters his body.

Other student's voice off panel “Alan, you okay?

Panel 9
We see a glowing Alan and smoke hybrid glowing with power, sort of like Alan's body is inside smoke looking out like smoke is an exoskelleton but somewhat see through. The point is to show both creatures existing at once. Smoke glowers as Alan fakes a smile to the friend in the foreground, back to us.

Alan “I'm fine man, no worries.”

Other student/friend “That's cool but, you've been strangely distant lately you know?”

Panel 10
Alan's eye's stop glowing and he's fully Alan again, looking concerned.

Alan “Really?”

Page 7

Panel 1
Alan and the other student walk down the hall together, chatting friendily. Other Student/Bobby is an average looking guy with a red baseball hat and a “cool” look to him.

Other Student/Friend/Bobby “Well Jimmy went missing the other day, and you know where he was last seen?

Panel 2
Bobby holds up a finger to make a point, deathly serious like he is telling a ghost story. We see Bobby's face is seen while Alan's is only barely seen to know he's being talked to and talking back

Bobby “The library, so it must've been the Black Book.”

Alan “The Black Book huh?”

Panel 3
Bobby grins, a dark background forming behind him as he tells what amounts to a ghost story. The black book is shown behind him and the image of a generic boy reading it and screaming it.

Bobby “You know what they say, whoever reads it has bad luck, bad juju man! It grants wishes, but always the wrong way.”

Panel 4
Alan ponders for a moment and retorts to Bobby with a small grin. Bobby is shocked by this retort.

Alan “You know Bobby I'm not sure I agree with you.”

Bobby “What?!”

Alan “I read the Black Book once and nothing has happened to me. In fact I even got what I wished for, though I can't say what it is.”

Panel 5
Bobby slaps Alan on the back playfully

Bobby “You're joking right, like no one has ever read the book and lived!”

Panel 6
Alan looks off into the distance, looking at an image of Smoke from his imagination

Alan “I think the Black Book gives you what you really want. And if what you want is bad something bad happens, and if what you want is good something good happens instead.”

Page 8

Panel 1
The bell rings


Panel 2
Bobby runs off down the hallway and waves back at Alan

Bobby “Cya later man. Catch me at the game against Delran. Home team advantage!”

Panel 3
Bobby passes Art who as he passes Bobby Art glares at him. Eden is sitting on Art's shoulder

Panel 4
Art talks to Eden

Art “That's Bob Hawk also on the soccer team, can't say he's a bad guy though, he laughs but never cracks any of the jokes.”

Panel 5
Eden looks down in sadness and sympathy

Eden “But that still hurt you right?”

Panel 6
Art puts his hand to his heart

Art “It still hurts, I can still hear all of them laughing, all of them smiling, all of them but me.”

Panel 7
Eden gives a small smile looking up at Art

Eden “Then add him to list too! Though at this rate the spell will probably have to target everyone on the team right?”

Panel 8
Art grimaces

Art “All my life I've wanted to hit as hard as I got, to be the hero that stands up to all the bullies.”

Panel 9
Art watches Eden snack on a small chocolate as she eats

Art “To be as happy as when I see you eat.” Eden “You betch'ya!”
Page 9

Panel 1
The soccer field again, with students and parents lining the stands and chearleaders practicing and preparing their cheers

Narration “Later that day”

Panel 2
Alan sits with his friends chatting to them

Friend 1 “So when's Bobby going to come out”

Friend 2 “GO BOBBY!”

Alan “Come on Bobby, we're waiting for ya!”

Panel 3
Shot to the Soccer locker room with all sorts of gowing designs on the walls as the Soccer players including the bullies are oblivious and are putting on their pads.

Player 1 “Lets get it ON!”

The rest of the Players “HOO-RAH!”

Panel 4
Art Howard adjusting his glasses, the reflection of light making his eyes not visible and his mouth slightly sinister

Art “Oh we'll get it ON alright.”

Panel 5
Suddenly the Locker room darkens with the soccer players still slightly visible

Player “What's with the lights!”

Panel 6
Glowing outlines of Art Howard suddenly appear neon-like all over the Soccer locker rooms, positions in various preparations to beat up the soccer players from fist and palm together, crackling knuckles, stretching, and all of the faces looking violent and sinister.

Page 10

Panel 1
One of the “illusion” duplicates, bunches one of the guys in the gut

Art “Payback is meaningless...”

Panel 2
Two of the Art constructs punch one of the players in the face at the same time

Art “...counting blows...”

Panel 3
An art construct standing on the ceiling and therefore upside down from our vision pulls one of the bullies up to choke him from up in the air

Art “...measuring pain...”

Panel 3
An Art construct kicks one of the bullies with extraordinary strength into one of the lockers as other constructss are seen beating up other players while a few are untouched cowering in feel close to the ground.

Art “...I can't measure the rage I feel, but finally it fills this room and lets itself be known...”

Panel 4
An Alan construct holds up a sphere of shining power, like an energy blast about to explode

Art “...and to burn as it has burned within me...”

Art “...about you

Panel 5
The outside of the locker room suddenly engulfed in an exposion that blows the door open and cracks it in two.
Page 11

Panel 1
A reporter stands in front of the lockeroom as bodies are brought out on stretchers and many of the students who were unharmed huddle in panic against the walls.

Reporter girl “At a scene I was originally covering as a happy success story of a small team of children, behind me a bomb has gone off in idyllic King high-school by a person still unknown and still at large. Although none are expected to die, many are expected to incur crippling injuries with the need of extensive rehabilitation. I Dana Giovanni am-.”

Panel 2
The Reporter is hurried away from the scene by a cop who has just arrived

Cop “Hey this is a crime scene lady”

Reporter girl “Hey I'm just doing me job pig, people have a right to-”

Panel 3
The bleachers where everyone is going this way and that in a panic.

Panel 4
Alan stares at the smoke, clenching his fis fist which is glowing black

Alan “I guess I should've expected a super-villain to appear.”

Panel 5
Alan seen with Smoke like teeth if not demonic with glowing whie eyes looking fearsome and angry.

Alan “A good fight is just what I need!”

Page 12

Panel 1
Alice above the scene in general looking down a the scene with the paramedics coming out of the scene. She's flying for fun, giving a little smile

Alice “Now here's not something you see everyday, plenty of broken souls from this.”

Panel 2
Alice's “spider sense” like warning system for warlocks manifests. Her eyes glow red.

Alice “A warlock!”

Panel 3
Alice watches as a floating light shape of a person appears, Lana from chapter 1-2 teleporting in

Alice “Oh, it's just you Watchgirl”

Panel 4
Lana appears holding an electronic stop watch in her hand. The watch in her hand starts to deteroriae and blow in the wind as her hair blows in the same direction

Lana “I have a hard time believing a brand new warlock did this Alice, any information?”

Panel 5
Alice shrugs giving a small grin

Alice “Just that there's a new demon here too, and I have to tell ya Watch, he likes to fight.”

Panel 6
Lana/Watchgirl magics in an old fashioned and oversized pocket watch and looks into as one would a cellphone

Lana “The normal exchange, you promise not to harm the warlock and I won't kill the demon you're bringing into your fold.”

Panel 7
Alice and Lana talk in the far background and are barely dots to the viewer as Smoke flies in the format searching for traces of the source of the destructiv magic.

Alice “It's a good deal, I don't like leaving things to chance. If someone dies there's one less person left to look forward to.

Lana/Watchgirl “Time will tell, now if you'll excuse me, I'll have to log in the potential's class and rank.”

Alan Smoke Chapter 3
Robert Finch

Page 1

Panel 1
The 19th century gentleman gatekeeper smiles and says his line, presumably speaking to Alan

Gatekeeper “Who are you?”

Panel 2
Alan's face saying his line. He is in human form but with his demonic eyes which explain him seeing the Gatekeeper

Alan “I am, Alan Brook”

[Note, the rest of the page is a visual montage]

Panel 3
Alan is laughing with his friends while walking through the mall together

Panel 4
Alan is in a library studying with a pal, sharing the book as they take notes together

Panel 5
Alan kisses a girl while outside on a blanket watching a meteor shower

Panel 6
Alan stands in front of the Gatekeeper

Alan “I guess despite that I still want more.”

Page 2

Panel 1
Alan speaks heroically before the gatekeeper, almost challenging him. He sees the gatekeeper as an unknown, perhaps a threat or perhaps an ally.

Alan “I don't know who you are, but I told myself...”

Panel 2
The gatekeeper smiles at Alan's speech

Alan “...if someone called out to me, good or bad, that as a hero I would rise up to meet him.”

Panel 3
The gatekeeper gives a kindly smile.

Gatekeeper “You feel I am challenging you then, so be it.”

Panel 4
The Gatekeeper pulls a floating chain and the door opens, Alan stepping inside.

Alan “I hear...voices? There's people inside!

Panel 5
The gate shuts and the Gatekeeper laughs maniacally.

Page 3

Panel 1
The Gatekeeper, still laughing, walks to the other side of the door

Panel 2
The Gatekeeper presses his ear to the door, frowning semi seriously

Panel 3
The Gatekeeper is suddenly alarmed and here's a “KNOCK”


Panel 4
Alan suddenly stumbles out of the door surrounded by a shadowy aura looking visibly shaken up.
The Gatekeeper, stumbling to get out of Alan's way, is caught off guard that Alan survived

Gatekeeper “You, you faced the mirror...”

Panel 5
Alan is shaky (And is still in Alan form with demon eyes)

Alan “I saw it right away. Everything I ever wanted or had, so visible I wanted to kill myself.”

Page 4

Panel 1
Alan begins to clench his teeth in rage, his smoke armor beginning to envelop him. The Gatekeeper looks visibly scared of Alan

Alan “But I knew, that as plastic as I ever was or ever will be, how much worse it would be if I simply disappeared.”

Panel 2
Alan, part human and part smoke, pushes Gatekeeper against his own door. To do this a shadowy hand emits from his own arm, enlarging and pinning the gatekeeper.


Panel 3
A panel of what Alan saw in the door, a darkness with three teenagers (including the boy we saw at the end of 1-2) sprawled on the ground in various states of agony

Alan “Do you know what I saw in there when I made my decision? Bodies. And you killed them like you tried to kill me.”

Panel 4
The Gatekeeper's face, halfway between a smile and fear

Gatekeeper “What killed them was themselves. And what I fear is that you were so sure...”

Panel 5
Gatekeeper and the door begin to vanish, the door itself beginning to crack and break

Gatekeeper “ were so sure that whatever you were or became that you could live with yourself, that is very scary.”

Panel 6
Gatekeeper is mostly gone except his wry grin like the cheshire cat disappearing in Alice and Wonderland

Gatekeeper “Courage, in the end, is staring into a lion's mouth and then walking inside.”

Panel 7
Alan's Smoke armor begins to fade and he begins to look worried.”

Page 5

Panel 1
Art is studying in his room, huddled in front of his glowing book and a circle he was building with all sorts of “runes” [Aaron have a ball with this! You can make the runes be faces of people you know, heroes you like, or the magic script names of things you like. The circle looks sorta like an alchemic circle]

Panel 2
Suddenly Art turns and sees his digital clock start to expand majorly, starting to form a door.

Panel 3
Lana steps out of the door clock and starts self righteously speaking with a small grin

Lana “That was quite the spell you pulled off, just remarkable”

Panel 4
Art, panicking, motions motions his finger and suddenly a string appears

Panel 5
Lana is supposedly entrapped by a web of magic wires like a net or spiderweb.

Panel 6
Lana breaks through the web with no effort all.

Lana “But you have a lot to learn, you're not fighting a human here.”

Panel 7
Art and Lana face each other and there is heated tension. Art looks like he's ready to fight but Lana is smiling and smug.

Art “A specter?”
Lana “No, a warlock”

Page 6

Panel 1
Lana/Clockgirl walks over to the shelf where Eden is sleeping and she pets her with her finger
Lana “I came hear to offer you a message, you are not alone in this magical world.”

Panel 2
Lana smirks “But not everyone is as friendly as I am.”

Panel 3
Art bows before Lana
Art “Please, there is so much I have to ask you!”

Panel 4
Lana yawns, stretching
Lana “And there is so much I will teach you, here's your first lesson.”

Panel 5
Lana sits down and draws on a piece of paper. She draws images representing the three magic schools, Warlock, witch, and arcane. For a warlock she draws a mage firing beams of life, for a witch she draws a witch on a broom, and for an arcane she draws a generic ghost

Lana “There are three schools. Warlocks are combat mages, Witches prefer enchantment, and Arcanes specialize in channeling and communicating with spirits, demons, whatever you want to call them. You've used magic from all three schools, someday you must choose a speciality”

Panel 6
Lana smiles and pats Art on the head like an elder to a child.
Lana “I will return, but for now watch yourself, there are so few of us.”
Art “O-kay?”

Panel 7
Lana vanishes into a pocket watch.

Panel 8
Lana's pocketwatch flies out the window while Art looks on in shock.

Page 7 Alan and Alice are sparring above the soccer field from earlier

Panel 1
Alan (as smoke) screams as he throws a punch

Alice (off panel) “Since I can't change your mind...”
Panel 2
Alice blocks the punch, smiling

Alice “See, nothing. You're not going to take a warlock out like that.”

Panel 3
Alan frowns while Alice friendly pats him on the background
Alan “How can I fight this guy?”
Alice “Oh cheer up you're plenty powerful. We just have to figure out when you're most powerful.”

Panel 4
Alan smiles and holds out his hand, suddenly an energy ball forms in his hand

Alan “Thanks I guess”

Panel 5
Alice stares at the ball close up comically

Alice “Wait a minute, that energy ball packs a punch.

Panel 6
Alice smiles in an “aha” moment

Alice “I got it! Stop trying to clear your mind. Think stuff, think stuff you like!”

Panel 7
Pan out as the entire soccer field starts to be enveloped in energy.


Page 8

Panel 1
Alan's/smokes eyes closed

Alice “Hey, wake up!”

Panel 2
The sun rises and Art is on the bleachers. Alice points to him, shrugging.

Alice “If you really want to fight him...”

Panel 3
Alice suddenly screams as an energy blast hits her.

Panel 4
Art, glass's reflecting making him look somewhat villainous approaching Alan and Alice

Art- “Don't act like I can't see you, you spooks. What do you want with me?”

Panel 5
Alice flees and Alan is surprised

Alice “It's your fight tiger.”
Alan “Hey!”

Page 9

Panel 1
Alan as smoke faces Art, looking nervous

Alan thought bubble “This is him? He's just a nerd.”

Panel 2
Art stares into his book, which is glowing

Art “Now tell me, what do you want demon?

Panel 3
Alan continues to panic as Art approaches him

Alan thought bubble “I, I can't kill another kid, he's not even attacking anyone right now!”

Panel 4
Smoke flies off as Art watches

Panel 5
Art bends and sits down on the ground having seen something.

Panel 6
Art swipes a finger on a blade of grass

Panel 7
Art watches the sun rise, looking at his finger which has dried blood on it.

Art “Blood. Why do I feel so bad about it now?”